MMDS gathered a deep experience and successfully organized “Arkopharma Symposium 2017 for Iraqi market”

MMDS gathered a deep experience and successfully organized “Arkopharma Symposium 2017 for Iraqi market”

MMDS was privileged to arrange the 2nd symposium of Arkopharma for Iraqi market in Antalya -Turkey from 7th – 10th of August 2017 in collaboration with the esteemed partner in Iraq ENANA MPC Co.

This year’s Symposium, once again, structured to pool how experts experience Arkopharma products; from the first time they hear about a product to the point where they become regular users, and to look for clues about how we can improve what is being offered.  A diverse array of experts and influencing doctors across Iraq, were invited and attended a deeply informative and interactive symposium focusing on features, benefits and indications of Arkopharma’s products commercialized in Iraq. Moreover, the doctors expressed a top notch interest in the rich portfolio of Arkopharma and in the coming products launches.

MMSD would like to thank everyone who attended for giving so freely of themselves and making the Symposium a memorable and successful occasion.


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